Filler Packages

Filler packages are designed on consultation; for the individual.

The filler can be used on the following areas: Cheeks, Jawline, Nose, Chin, or Lips.

*NB - Tear trough filler, is not included in the package.


What is the Treatment?

Filler packages are designed on consultation, for the individual.

The filler can be used on the following areas: Cheeks, Jawline, Nose, Chin, or Lips.

*NB - Tear trough filler, is not included in the package.

How Does It Work?

Treatment Time

30 mins to 1.5 hours - Package depending

Treatment Cost

£200 to £500 depending on the package desired.

What to Expect


Avoid Alcohol at least 24 hours prior to your appointment (Alcohol may thin the blood, therefore aiding swelling and bruising)

Avoid Blood thinning medicine such as Aspirin & Ibuprofen for 1 week prior to treatment

Avoid Caffeine 24 hours prior to treatment

If you are concerned about swelling or bruising, it is advisable to take Arnica 2-3 days prior to appointment

Down Time

Coming soon!

Aftercare Advice

Coming soon!


For more information, or to make an appointment, please fill in the form below.